I may not be a full on "blogger," but now I can at least say I have a blog. That counts for something, right?
I started this blog because I am enrolled in a class that requires it, but I think I will enjoy putting some thoughts out for people to see, required or not. I hope that in blogging about a broad range of topics I will learn from others, and that maybe from time to time I will have some light to shed on the subject at hand.
I have titled my blog "The Pursuit" very intentionally. I believe with my whole heart that everyone on this earth lives a life full of pursuit. Our lives are so full of pursuit we have become numb to the realization of how many different pursuits we are constantly engaged in. If you take a second to stop and think about how many things you are pursuing right now I think you will be surprised at how overwhelming it may seem. Personally, school, career, relationships, social scenes, and just surviving the grind are a few of my current pursuits. These things dominate my life, and that can be both positive and negative at times.
I hope that you enjoy your pursuits this semester. I hope you are not overwhelmed, and that in the end, you find things worth pursuing with all you've got.